Academic Attire for Social Science Cluster

Faculty of Leadership and Management

Faculty of Economics and Muamalat

Faculty of Shariah and Law

Faculty of Major Languages

Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies

Academic Attire for Science Cluster

Faculty Science and Technology

Faculty of Engineering and Built Enviroment

Academic Attire for Medicine Cluster

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Academic Attire for Dentistry Cluster

Faculty of Dentistry

Postgraduate Academic Attire

Postgraduate Diploma – Diploma in Islamic Judicial and Advocatory Practice (DIJAP)

Master Degree

Doctor of Philosophy

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Islamic Education)

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Islamic Education)

Sash for Royal Education Award

Sash for Chancellor Award

Sash for Vice-Chancellor Gold Medal Award

Sash for Bachelor’s Degree Convocation Award

Sash for Postgraduate Special Award